FIA Formula 3
FIA Formula 4 Italy
FIA Formula 4 CEZ

Press Release 08 / 2021

10th June 2021

FIA F3: Johnathan Hoggard with Jenzer Motorsport


Following the inability for Pierre-Louis Chovet to participate in the next F3 FIA rounds, Jenzer Motorsport have decided to trust on 20 year old Johnathan Hoggard from Spalding, United Kingdom, to drive their #27 Car in the F3 FIA Championship. After strong results in British F3 and winning the Aston Martin Autosport BRDC Young Driver Award, Johnathan did not have the opportunity to move to FIA F3 as planned, a miss which will now be fixed.
„Getting a new driver on board after all official tests and the first round over is always challenging but we trust Johnathan to be fully involved and dedicated to catch this opportunity“, says Andreas Jenzer.
„This was unexpected and happened so fast“, commented Johnathan. „I have worked for that opportunity for years and I will give my best from Paul Ricard on“.

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